Monday, May 5, 2008

Spring has arrived?

I think that spring is here now. A bit late if you ask me but I feel tempered and ready to truly appreciate the summer. This is a bud on our choke cherry bush exploding in the 65 degree weather. I wandered the yard this evening. After such a brutal winter I felt delirious looking at all the new buds on the trees and the plants popping out of the soil. (No it wasn't all the finishing I did today!) It is a mysterious time for me. I find it so engaging the unique shapes and colors that the plants produce. They change so rapidly and I just catch a glimpse here and there of the tiny little shoots. Pretty soon they will be fully developed leaves and sink in to the back ground. But right now I am captivated. A few months ago my Wife Desiree and I were commenting on how we can't look at the leafless trees by the end of March. We are so ready for the leaves to come in that the tree's become like static on TV. Try as we do we just can't focus on them any more. Any who here's our tamarack tree busting out it's new needles. Oh yeah.

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